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terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010

E o que diz mesmo o relatório da OCDE…

E o que diz mesmo o relatório da OCDE…: "

… tem pouco a ver com a apresentação pública de ontem e as parangonas dos jornais de hoje. Por exemplo…:

  • “To rebalance the Portuguese economy and move towards a higher and sustainable growth path, rapid consolidation of the public finances is essential (1). Consolidation measures should continue to be strictly implemented, preferably through expenditure restraints (2), but the government should stand ready to curb tax expenditures and raise the least distortive taxes if needed.”

  • “The fiscal deficit started to deteriorate in 2008 and reached 9.3% of GDP in 2009. This followed a large fiscal consolidation in 2005-07 and, to some extent, was induced by measures that were not directly related to the crisis, such as a cut in VAT and a sizeable (2.9%) wage increase for civil servants in 2009. (3)

  • “Private consumption is also hampered by high indebtedness, an already low saving rate and unfavourable labour market conditions, with the unemployment rate expected to remain above 10%. (4)”

  • “Increases in unit labour costs have been due both to a disappointing productivity performance and to insufficient wage moderation, where pressures from the sheltered sectors (including the public sector) are likely to have played a major role. (5)”

  • “…the fall in energy imports and the development of energy-related industrial clusters with export potential need to be weighed against more expensive electricity from renewable sources (at least at current oil prices) and the opportunity cost of resources channelled into renewable energy. (6)”

  • “Continuing to implement the consolidation measures in a strict way is essential to secure fiscal sustainability, even if the cyclical situation turns out worse than expected. Otherwise, the financing conditions for both the public and private sectors may deteriorate substantially, with a sharp increase in risk premia and severe consequences for economic growth. (7)”

  • “Considerable changes in the labour code over the last two years brought Portugal closer to the OECD average in terms of the overall rigidity of EPL (2.84 in 2009 versus 2.23 on average in OECD countries). More needs to be done, however. Protection of permanent workers against (individual) dismissal is still the strongest among OECD countries (3.51 in 2009 versus 2.09 on average in OECD countries). (8)”

  • “The introduction of the new labour code in 2009, by reducing EPL (Employment Protection Legislation) for regular contracts, is an important step in the direction of reducing labour market dualism, as will the new Contributory Code of Social Security. More needs to be done, however. The authorities have acknowledged the need to continue reforming the labour market and are currently discussing a new strategy with the social partners. EPL for regular contracts should be reduced further, which would reduce the gap between the protection of regular and temporary workers. (9)”

  • Comentários abaixo.

    (1) – Não há vida para lá do défice.

    (2) – Alguém ouviu esta parte nas rádios ou nas TVs ou leu esta conclusão nos jornais?

    (3) – Esta também não passou na imprensa.

    (4) – Pareceu-me ouvir o mexicano dizer que Portugal já tinha feito as reformas do mercado laboral. Ouvi mal.

    (5) – Pensa que ouviu a ministra do trabalho confirmar que o Salário Mínimo iria aumentar para 500 euros? Compre um aparelho.

    (6) – Não me estão a querer dizer que o governo não fez as contas antes de gastar os milhões… estão???

    (7) – A OCDE está mal informada. O problema são os especuladores.

    (8) – Neoliberais…

    (9) – …selvagens.

    Filed under: Geral "

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